Be assured that you are getting the best you can on the day by picking your own berries. When you visit us next, please bring your own container to take your PYO berries home in. We are no longer providing take home bags for PYO.
Get Better Nutrition
Fruit and vegetables have more nutrients when you eat them as soon as possible after they're picked. They also taste better just knowing you picked them yourselves. You can always freeze your surplus right away to preserve as much of that nutrition as possible—and enjoy it into the coming months.
Save Money
Picking your own berries saves you money because you don't have to pay the added costs of someone else picking, packaging, and shelving our berries. Plus, buying in bulk tends to be less expensive than buying smaller quantities
Connect With The Earth
When was the last time you really thought about where your food came from—besides that you got it at your local supermarket or vege store.